Hi! I'm Dawid

A creative frontend and minecraft developer that helps people in implementing their innovational ideas.

About Me

Haven't ya heard about me? That's fine! I'm a IT passionate that joined programming community in 2018. Guess what, I'm still out there learning out new frameworks and technologies! In my spare time I skate at my local skatepark.


Since my first "hello world" till this day I put all of my strength, love and passion this mysterious art of zeros and ones.

Inline Skating

I'm a skating aficionado. I love the culture of skating and that sick positive energy that can be felt from miles away.

Digital Art

In the past I used to create a few pixel arts, 3d models and a few logos. I've even created a 3d game with quests system.

My Skills

Over the years I've learned that consistency and passion is the key to "real" learning. I truly love exploring new things and learning new technologies. This activity gives me that dopamine stroke that keeps me going forward and brings me with tiny steps to my dreams.

FrontEnd Development



Angular Material








Minecraft Development






Other Technologies


JetBrains IDE

VS Code


Over the last 4 years I've made a dozens of different projects. Each of them brought a new set of problems that had to be accomplished. I reserved below section for some of my projects that I loved to work on.

Authentication System

Authentication code boiler plate made in Angular & NgRx. Codebase was written using SOLID & DRY pattern.

Blogger Website

Modern website that uses webpack, gsap, typescript and scss.

Xgrow - Smart Home

Web Application for startup that creates smart home plant care system. Commercial Project written in Angular

UI Config Editor

Graphic editor for YAML & JSON files. Extra support for minecraft configs. Written with Angular & NgRx

NetView Application

Informational Service that stores businesses, shops and products. Written with Angular, Ngrx & Firebase.


Website hosting HangMan and MemoCard minigames. Written in HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Let's Cooperate!

Let's creating something enormous! Feel free to send me an e-mail or catch up with me on discord. I'm pretty sure that we'll find a common language.